Happy Birthday Hero!
14th of November, 2013.I’ll remember this day for my life. When the whole world is watching the GOD play his last test, i was busy...
Who am I?
I am the book I read. I am the blog I write. I am the color I paint. I am the picture I take. I am the path I walk. I am the tear filled...
The Curious Case of Love
To be honest I don’t understand what it means when people speak about love. Probably, they never define it properly. Is it good, bad or...
Life is a Paradox
Some relationships hurt and some heal. Some relationships which heal will hurt u later << Life is a paradox>> Some love rain, but hate to...
THE DARK CHAOS: other side of my LIFE
I am nowhere in this world and I am everywhere in my dreams. I am nomadic in my own world. I love travelling through thoughts. In today’s...
One fine Sunday, I was playing Nintendo Wii with my cousins (of 5th and 6th standard). They shouted out of frustration as the power was...
Suddenly I woke out of my bed.It was 0400 in the morning. The ambience outside was silent and serene. It was then I thought of giving...